Rock solid
e-commerce solutions

We are key domain experts in PrestaShop development and e-commerce web development. Certified PrestaShop, Sylius and thirty bees agency.

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Who are we?

We are key domain experts in PrestaShop, Sylius &
thirty bees programming and e-commerce web development with more than 10+ years of experience. We are PrestaShop pioneers in Lithuania with probably the longest track record in the country. As a PrestaShop and Sylius solutions agency, we can help you with technical support and maintenance, custom design and e-commerce development, integration of themes, module development and integration.

Our certification

17 Arčiaukūno (2016 m.)
01 Camelia
02 Melga

Our clients

How do we do it?

We start every project by carefully gathering the requirements. We prepare information architecture and user-flows straight after we get to know your customer profile, analyze competitors and set up objectives. All the preparation is finalized with a wireframe and a functional requirements document which is part of our contract. Our in-house UI/UX professional prepares three different styles to choose from. Experienced developers adjust the design for mobile devices and browsers. Thus, a high-quality technical solution is developed to ensure easy administration and low maintenance costs. The support contract lets you focus on sales after the launch.


If you already have an e-shop, we perform an audit of your existing e-commerce solution. In other cases, we prepare information architecture and user-flows straight after we get to know your customer profile, analyze competitors and set up objectives. Our team uses specialized tools to gather statistics about your competitors in addition to an in-depth analysis of the competitors’ e-shops.


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