Unleashing Potential: How PrestaRock Transforms E-Commerce with Speed, Quality, and Innovation

Unleashing Potential: How PrestaRock Transforms E-Commerce with Speed, Quality, and Innovation

Keywords ROCK – stone, toughness, durability, sustainability; SOLID – excellence, professionalism, the goodness of everything; pure substance; ECOMMERCE – commerce (not just PrestaShop), but e-commerce in general, not only to implement but also how to do it best; SOLUTIONS – solutions, we say that we come and solve clients’ problems, i.e., we offer our well-tested, experience-based, and time-proven solutions.

We are not a family, we are not a sports team, we are specialists. A team of SWAT/SEAL, which is highly oriented, trained, clearly understands its goal and achieves it at any cost. The company’s goal is to do what no other executor can.

Our deep-seated aim is to transform the client’s business into one that earns the most online and becomes a market leader. Successful market examples include MELGA, LONAS, KRINONA, CASCADA, CAMELIA, MG BALTIC group, and others.

In other words, we help those who do not have an e-commerce solution save costs (time and money) so that they can immediately create an e-store correctly and with quality. We also help those who already have an e-store but are unsatisfied with it earn more through systematic changes. 

We must continuously grow and learn to achieve all of this and provide the best e-commerce experience. Only in this way can we align the core components of our company’s strategy: speed – to execute and implement solutions faster than our competitors from inquiry to launch in LIVE; quality – it is difficult to maintain quality while working quickly, but this is a core part of our strategy; self-realization for employees knowing that they work with market leaders for market leaders, as well as the best entertainment and team-building activities that strengthen our team for the impossible.

For these reasons, the PrestaRock team believes that every employee has much more potential within them than they themselves think. The goal of the PrestaRock team leaders is to reveal this potential, but it must be a joint effort between the employee and the team. You must want to take one step further and expandyour understanding and professionalism to places you never imagined before.

All of this is supported by the company culture, which helps make decisions when it is unclear how to act or when there are no strictly defined rules. The fate of every personality is defined by its character, and the fate of every company is defined by its culture.

Since the company is result-oriented, we use the motto strictly but fairly. Employees are expected to understand what quality is, build relationships with employees and clients (partnership), work transparently, and constantly seek ways to improve what they do.